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IQAir Atem X ColdFire - Learn MoreIQAir Atem X ColdFire - Learn More

40 Years Providing Air Cleaners and Air Purifiers to Australian Homes and Businesses

As a pioneer in the air purification and air quality monitoring industry, IQAir has always been an active advocate of sustainable lifestyles. And so comes the ATEM X - an air purifier unlike any other.

The Atem X was specifically designed to fulfil the demand for an air purifier that is exceedingly powerful, yet energy efficient, quiet, smart… and that blends in seamlessly into almost any interior design. The Atem X features outstanding performance characteristics in a compact and elegant form. The advanced technical features combined with the revolutionary orbital architecture (BionicCoreTM), enable the Atem X to deliver:

  • more clean air with
  • less noise and
  • less energy consumption

The performance of IQAir's newly launched Atem X ColdFire has now been tested, the CADR of particulate matter of the product is as high as 600m3/h.

For a large space of 70㎡, a whole-house purification can be completed in 20 minutes. The CCM of particulate matter reaches 38555mg, which can purify the smoke released by up to 640 cigarettes in a durable manner. The Atem X ColdFire incorporates formaldehyde removal along with smoke, viruses, bacteria, allergens, mould spores, dust and ultra-fine particles to meet all air purification requirements.

Core purification technology, upgraded performance

The innovative ColdFire formaldehyde catalytic decomposition technology uses new impregnated materials to continuously catalytically decompose formaldehyde molecules in the air. The impregnated material can self-repair while decomposing formaldehyde, avoiding a cliff-like decline in formaldehyde removal performance and achieving long-lasting and stable formaldehyde purification.


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What Our Customers Say

My son and I are Chronic Fatigue Syndrome sufferers and I have a dust allergy...The IQ Healthpro 250 was a great investment towards improving our health.

Linda, Sydney

The IQAir Healthpro 250 has worked miracles for my wife, I can't believe the difference it's made even after just two days.

Christos, South Melbourne

My husband has emphysema and with dogs in the house, his breathing was a major problem. Overnight, the Blueair 270E made 100% difference and he is now able to breathe remarkably better.

Debby, Ormeau Hills

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